
Monday, September 14, 2015


I recently celebrated my 40 birthday in San Sebastian, Spain. I had an amazing time with some amazing friends in an amazing city. Now, I’ve already touched on what it felt like turning 40. Three weeks in I can say being 40 is GREAT! While sitting around with my friends in Spain we somehow started talking about which gifts would be great for the average 40-year-old to get. As we began this conversation in a bar at 11pm on my last day of being in my 30’s, you can imagine the potential gifts became increasingly more and more outlandish and less realistic as the night progressed. I tried to use the memo app on my phone to remember them but 4 drinks in I accidentally erased the first draft and drunkenly tried to remember the ones we’d already discussed. These are the 10 I could decipher the next day. Just to add, there was a woman present during this list making process incase readers assume it was a bunch of middle-aged men going through a midlife crisis who made the list.

1. A Plane Ticket
Maybe this gift excites me so much because I’m a traveler. A plane ticket to ANYWHERE in the world you want to go? I’d pee my pants from excitement if I got this present! And then I’d spend the next week locked in my apartment researching where to go. Yes, this would be a lovely present for anyone who isn't terrified of flying...

2. Concert/Sporting Tickets
Actually, this gift is not age dependent when I think about it now. A ticket to any sporting event or concert of your choosing. When I was 20 I would have appreciated this gift just as much as I would now. Nonetheless, still would be a badass present to receive. What would make this present badass if you could attend ANY sporting event or concert, EVER! Can you imagine seeing Jimi Hendrix in 1967 at Monterey Pop Festival!? Hell, why not just go to Woodstock! Or how about when an unknown Biggie Smalls (his name then) is called up on stage to freestyle with Tupac at a NYC concert!? Don’t even get me started on Michael Jackson! Speaking of Michael, watching Michael Jordan during his prime. The Miracle on Ice Hockey Game would have to be considered as well. So many sweet sweet options to choose from!

3. Dinner with Friends
Unless you live in a village of 200 people high in the Himalayas all of your friends probably don’t live in the same place. Imagine a dinner with all of your best friends and/or family in one place. That alone would be awesome. But to make it super awesome, the chef of your choice would do the cooking! Come on now! I know even the Republicans and bible thumpers like this one! When you’re 20 you eat what you can afford. At 40 your palate matures and you prefer quality and you can afford to spoil yourself a bit more. People you love all in one room eating delicious food? Shiiiiiiiiid! Sign me up right NOW!   

4. A Bullshit Detector
At 40 we are too damn old to be wasting our time, on anything. Twenty years ago it was fun playing in the swirling chaos of uncertainty. It gave us conversation topics for our friends. But now? No thank you. Imagine a gift that would tell you immediately if someone was bullshitting you. Now, this is different from a lie detector. Someone can be telling the truth but still bullshitting you. Or conversely, they can be bullshitting themselves and as a result you get shit on you as a result. “I’m ready to have kids and settle down.” BEEP BEEP BEEP! *Pleasant Siri type voice. “He’s ready to settle down and have kids with his ex he’s still in love with. In no way will it be you.” Imagine men if a woman says, “I believe women expect too much nowadays and don’t take care of their man enough.” BEEP BEEP BEEP!! “She believes this but her idea of taking care of you is spending your money buying clothes so she looks good when you come home from working all day while she’s out shopping.” Yes, this would be at the top of every person turning 40. Younger people might buy it, but I have a feeling many would take it back because let’s face it, when you are under the age of 30 you kinda revel in drama. At 40+ ain't no body got time for that! 

5. A Book
This isn’t just ANY book. This book has all of your mistakes from your 30’s. Every. Single. One. All of your boneheaded decisions just laid out in written form that you committed from the age of 30 to 39. Now, it may not seem like a great gift now, but the kicker would be the ANSWERS to your mistakes would be in the book as well. Oooooooh SNAP! That’s some deep ish right there huh? I know people reading this thinking, “Where can I buy this book!?” A personal manual on how you should’ve handled mistakes from your 30’s. Yes, every action we make takes us to a place with the potential to learn and grow. I’m just saying though, explanation to WHY we did what we did and answers to those open-ended questions that resulted from our mistakes. My book with be so damn thick it would take me a week to read. It also would be so dog-eared with the margins all marked and written up too. Oh how I would love this present. Wait.. I have journals. It's more or less the same thing, only without the answers. Hmm... 

6. Threesome
Pretty much speaks for itself. All I’m saying is, who wouldn’t want two people catering to all of your carnal desires for an evening?? I know there are people who will SAY they don’t. “I only need my husband/wife.” or some other crazy ish like that. I’m guessing if you don’t like this gift you’re a Republican and would prefer cocaine. Hey, I wouldn’t have turned down for my birthday!

7. Five Minute Conversation
Only 5 minutes is allowed. I guess because the long distance charges are too high. No idea why we decided on 5 minutes but by number 5 on this list I’m sure we were pretty lit and it made sense then. The conversation can only be had with yourself, at any age of your choosing. Whoa. So would you want to talk to your 14-year-old self who is always getting picked on in high school and has low self esteem and you tell yourself it will get better? Or would you speak with your 60-year-old self to calm your fears about the future? Oh so many options! And you only have 5 minutes! Do you only ask yes or no questions? Do you even ask questions?? Which age do you choose? This present has the potential to be abused. I could see people using the 5 minutes to tell their younger selves the winning lottery numbers. Then again.... 

8. A Mulligan
I’m not a golfer, at all. The one time I did go golfing I was 22 and Tiger Woods had just one The Masters. Everyone on that damn golf course was looking at me expecting the second coming of Moses. The real one and not the fake white Christian Bale one! What they got was a first timer who had a swing like a 90-year-old with a bad hip. I was beyond terrible and thoroughly embarrassed. Other than learning I had no future in golf I learned the term mulligan. It’s seared in my brain because I used 1,396 on that day. It is a second chance to perform an action, usually after the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. *Sigh. An opportunity to go back to tell someone you care about that you love them, or to swallow your pride and apologize. Maybe even just to go back, call in sick to work or skip classes and lay in bed with them all day cuddling and talking about nothing in particular. Or to use that condom you brought with you but were too lazy to get up and get out of your wallet! Yeah, at 40 having a mulligan would be extremely…nice. 

9. Another Threesome
I mean, if you’ve waited until your 40 to have one you might as well have two to make sure you remember the first. Also, the first time I tried wine I hated it. HATED it. Figured it wasn’t my thing. It took awhile, and some patient Italians to show me the light. Maybe threesomes are the same way!?!? Maybe you won’t like the first so you need to have one multiple times to make sure it suits you. I don’t know, but the first chance I get to test this theory I’ll let you know. And I hope I can let you know soon. I’m not getting any younger and the only threesome a 65-year-old has not named Hugh Hefner is with his physical therapist, doctor and health insurance agent.

10. Eat Whatever You Want
It might be obvious which sex REALLY wanted this on the list in the group. Let me expand this one. The exact wording was, “Be able to eat whatever you absoFUCKinglutely want for a year without gaining weight.” Any weight they stressed. Not even a damn gram more than you weigh when the year starts. We’re talking double chocolate fudge dipped in salted caramel cake with a side of Oreo cookie and mint chocolate chip ice cream on the side for breakfast, lunch and dinner and you never need to step on a scale because you know you’re not gaining a single pound for 365 days. I think my best friend almost caught the holy spirit just talking about this present! YES jee-SUS! I can see the value of this present. I can also see a lot of jealous friends too for that year if you’re a woman. How fun would it be if you went out with your girls and all of them are eating salad to make up for the Christmas holidays and you’re eating French fries with milk chocolate sauce. No, no, no. I see a lot of envy occurring with this gift. Men would get the guy to enter eating contests every single day of the year to see how much he could fit in his stomach before he spewed it all back up. We’re childish like that no matter the age.

Fabulous 40th in San Sebastian, Spain
There you have it, 10 perfect gift ideas for someone turning 40. Are any of these gifts possible? Eh. Depends on your salary, connections and imagination I guess. I can say it was FUN talking about the list. And it made me realize why I’m friends with the people who came with me to Spain for my birthday. We are all perverted intellectuals who can sometimes act like little kids. I love them for that. Looking forward to the next person who turns 40 in our group!