With all of my travels, I have concluded that weird is all a matter of perspective. Depending on the perspective, perfectly normal every day activities can seem so out of the ordinary, they shock you into silence. While the most random and unsettling events can seem entirely mundane. Now, the prism we all look through to judge what is abnormal and normal is culture. In my culture, I expect the TV and radio to be on with no one watching or listening and full-blown conversations carried out. In my culture, it will raise no eyebrows in curiosity if one wears socks with sandals. ;-) Really all just depends on where you were born and what you were taught to be accustomed to in your life. In saying that, it’s just sooo freakin weird how Germans won’t cross the street on pedestrian red lights when NO cars are in sight, but will go into co-ed saunas butt ass naked with perfect strangers with no problem at all.
Observations of my travels through this place we call earth. Some are random, others poignant all are mine. Don't mean to offend anyone, but if I do so in the process, trust me, you'll live.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It’s been a long time, since left you, without some funny observations to laugh to.. Things have been hectic here for a HOT minute here for me. It’s an observation all on it’s own of all the B.S. I’ve gone through. Two tears in a bucket, fuck it. So, here are some new observations.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Right, so when I say traveling I mean TRAVELING. Going to visit your cousins for a weekend is a visit. Going to some touristy place on some pre-packaged tour with 1,000 of your closest friends taking a trip. I mean traveling. Traveling is going to some place you either never been before and know no one, stay for longer than a week or you mingle with the locals and are the only foreigner. Ok, with that out the way, I have been traveling off and on, mostly on since 2000. I’ve seen at least 25 countries…give or take. These are things that I have felt, experienced or spoken to other travelers about. If you are a traveler as well I hope you find these amusing, and if you’ve always wanted to do some traveling, I hope it inspires you to at least consider it more seriously.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Anyone who knows me KNEW this observation was coming. Seriously, how could you not have had an inkling it was in the works and on it’s way down the pipeline! As I said before, it is always better for a person NOT from or apart of the culture to observe those people. It gives you a bit of perspective on certain actions and ritual habits of the focus group. Also, for those of you who don’t know, I attended a very small, private, Christian school from Kindergarten through the 8th grade in the white part of the city. I have YEARS of seeing you all up close and personal. These observations are geared towards white AMERICANS. White Europeans are different I swear. My observations are never meant to offend, only make you laugh, so take them all in stride with a grain of salt white people. Don’t want any of you going postal up in here.
I love white people. No, seriously, on a certain level I do love white people. You all are so damn entertaining! I mean, this world would be a completely different place if it wasn’t for white people. You keep it interesting to say the least. You know what? I wrote down a few observations of the things you do that tickles me pink and makes me shake my head in wonder.
1.) Minorities in the
2.) This is a serious question. No, stop giggling. In all seriousness white people, what is up with the diggin’ cheese in public. Since I am international, let me explain diggin’ cheese to all you non-Americans out there. It is when your pants, shorts, underwear, etc, etc get stuck in the crack of your ass, and you have to reach in the crack of your ass to get the article of clothing out. It happens to EVERYONE. It just seems white people don’t care where they are at. Now, it does seem that the white people I see doing it are in the parking lot of Wal-Mart or 7-11, but they are still white. It’s just, you don’t try and hide it at all. If it isn’t bad enough that you do it in public, do you HAVE to smell your hand afterwards?? Ok, ok, just the white guys do that but DAMN! Put your back against a wall and do it, there might be children around. Or have a family member walk behind you to screen the unsuspecting public. That’s what black people do.
3.) Another very serious observation here people so straighten up. White people are STRESSED! Really, you all are the most stressed people in the world. I personally think black, Latin, Asian, all of us need to go around America massaging white people and making sure there stress levels are in the normal range. How else can you explain all these white people getting fired from jobs they don’t like in the first place, then going back and shooting their office workers?? Is it really that serious? A Mexican gets fired…actually, Mexicans don’t get fired, they work too hard for such little money no one is firing them. Ok, so a black person gets fired, we don’t ever read about them going back and killing people. Now if they tried to play with a negros last check MAYBE! But I highly doubt they would kill anyone. Point a gun at the Head of Accounting maybe, but shoot them? Naaaaa, couldn’t get the money then. Walking into an office you have worked at every day for 6 years and shooting the person who sat in a cubicle next to you and never did a damn thing to you? Stress. OR, they are lonely. Adopt a white person black people. Yes, I am starting it here on this blog, Black Americans adopt a white person and become their friend. I’m tired of hearing about all these lonely white boys going into schools and killing classrooms of people. Adopt one, become their friend, it’s like a pre-emptive move on your part to save your own life and your loved ones. Hell, what is crazy is that white people might start sending their kids to black schools so they’ll be safe! Now ain’t THAT some shit!!
4.) If I Ruled The World, that is the title of a song by Nas. He said if he ruled the world, he would free all the convicts in Attica, send them to Africa. I’m not a poet like Nas, however, if I ruled the world, I would make it illegal for white people to have dreadlocks. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know a lot of you seem to like them, but they look disgusting on you. Think of this as some fashion advice, or an insight into what black people talk about. We are talking about how it looks like you have an ancient bird’s nest up on your head. Then some of you weave trinkets and charms in them.. WHY?? Who told you that would look good so I can go find them and choke them. Not every race can do the same thing as other races. Don’t get mad at me, take it to God. Axe the locks people, it doesn’t work for you. It’s like a black person putting white paint on themselves, putting on black lipstick and fingernail polish and trying to go Goth. It wouldn’t work. I have to admit, I have had a few crushes on Goth chics. Black women can look beautiful in damn near everything, but dressed up like a female version of Marilyn Manson is asking to get made fun of. If that is true, then walking around looking like a white Bob Marley is Yuck. Believe me, it’s yuck.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I am not gay. Let me say this again so there are no misunderstandings, I am not gay. I have just had gay roommates at different times (
1.) Ok, this is an observation wrapped in some advice. If you are gay and do not want your roommates to know you are gay, PLEASE refrain from doing these things. The first...Don’t let your roommates anywhere near your music collection. This is easier these days with the advent of MP3s. But either way, just keep it away from the roommates. A red flag will go up IMMEDIATELY if your music collection contains these artists...For black gay men..Every CD produced by Diana Ross and Mariah Carey or those soundtrack to those damn corny black church plays with names like...”God No Longer Lives Here”, “God in the Grits” or “Angry God or Pissed off Black Woman, which is worse?”. For Latin gay men...Best of Gloria Estefan, Thalia, Jennifer Lopez and soundtracks to Spanish soap operas. Oh and side note, Selena is DEAD. Stop talking about her like she’s still alive like Tupac! The second...stop walking around the house with those damn bright yellow cleaning gloves! Straight men can be just as clean as gay men; however, we NEVER walk around in those things let alone prancing like we are Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The third...don’t have everything in your room matching. If your photo frames match the pattern in your bedspread, that is a sign. Have something odd and out of place with a funky color thrown in there to throw people off your scent. The last and most important...do not, I mean, never, never, never look your male roommate from head to toe while your shirt is pulled up to your chest and you are rubbin on yo stomach while lickin’ yo lips! That is gay! People will know instantly..trust me.
2.) This next observation is more for Republicans and Catholics than normal people. Gay men don’t choose to be gay. They are born that way. How else can you explain how creative they are?? I mean, there is obviously something going on with the brain in the womb. Ok, ok, not ALL male hairdressers are gay, not all male clothing designers or dancers are gay. But there are more than enough to make you realize something is going on. Too many gay men are walking around well dressed and put together for it to be a “choice” of lifestyles. That’s like saying white people choose to be such poor dancers. They can’t help it, something happens in the womb where they can’t hear the beat. All those nerve endings that connect the feet to the ears? Deformed.
3.) Gay men are great dressers. I think we can pretty much agree on that. Not all, but for the most part, I am impressed with their fashion sense. HOWEVER, get gay men amongst their own surroundings like a Gay Pride parade or a gay bar...That fashion sense goes COMPLETELY out the window. It’s like it’s illegal to wear a shirt with sleeves and not skin tight. I have seen gay men in
4.) Ok, so I have had two gay roommates. I am open minded, do you is what I say. But I have observed that gay men get comfortable around people in away that is a little...well..a little gross to me. So I have to constantly remind gay men I’m not gay. I cringe and scrunch up my face when I see a half naked man on TV, cover my eyes when two men are kissing on a program, things like that. If I don’t, things get said out loud that they should only be thinking...Had one flatmate bust out with, “Damn I could suck a dick right now!” The thing is..if we were watching something sexual on TV it would have made sense. Would have still made me spit out my kool-aid like it did, but I could have understood. We were watching The Simpson’s at the time...Don’t even want to know what lead him to that train of thought, but my point is..what made him say it out loud like that?! I have never in my life bust out with some mess like that once while around my friends while sober. “Chiiiiiild I ate his ass like chicken last night!” Riiiight and you had to tell me that because you like seeing me puke all over myself?? Too comfortable I tell ya! That leads me to my next observation.
5.) I have NOTHING against GAY men. My problem is with MEN. You see, it’s like this. I have observed that when you take women out of the equation things go down hill real fast. Women are the upholders of all that is good and decent in relationships, the guardians of sensibility and good-taste! Take women out of the equation and you have...well you have gay men. I have personally seen pickup lines like, “So, what brand of anal lube do you use?”, “You look like the type who would give me a reach around while he’s fucking me in the ass.” and “I promise not to bust a nut in your eye.” work. Wait, wait....hold up....Ok. Felt queasy there for a second just putting that on paper. Making me realive sights and sounds I’d prefer to leave in the past. My point is...lines like that only work on women when the men are super rich, it’s their boyfriends/husbands role playing or they are hookers. Women make men bring their A-games. Straight men would use the same lines if women let them. Women make men pretend we are higher up on the evolutionary scale.
6.) This observation is for gay men and straight men. Reason being, I have been hit on enough by gay men to know what females must go through. And let me tell you it’s HELL. I have such a deep respect for women who don’t get pissed off and shoot like 3 or 4 men every time they go out. Buying me a drink does not mean I HAVE to do anything with you. I didn’t ask you for the drink....you offered. I told you I can buy my own drink and was trying to do so at the bar when you INSISTED on buying me one. Thanks for the drink, get yo ugly ass out of my face. Cheese and Rice is the drink you bought me a magnate??!! Is that why you are following me around the club like that??!! If I put the drink down will you be drawn to the drink so I can escape??!! And you don’t have to touch me to speak to me! Aiight now, like I don’t know that was you touching my ass. I don’t have vertigo MF, I can stand just find on my own without you supporting me so stop touching me! Maaan if you don’t back up off of me on this dance flo’! Oh hell no! IF I was interested in dancing with you, you think I would do it with you dancing like that?! Keep away you retarded muthafucca! I’m not playing hard to get, I PROMISE you. Women, you can at least escape to the toilets...Went to a gay club with a roommate in
7.) Gay men always use these argument with every straight man....”It’s really much easier being gay. You don’t have to work as hard for sex.” Well my grandma said you appreciate things much more when you have to work for them. “Men know what other men want better than women.” Well Carl knows what he wants better than any gay men and Carl wants pussy. “How do you know until you try it?” Well, I’ve never eaten shit before, but I can pretty much guarantee I don’t need to taste it to know I won’t like it. Same goes for dick.
8.) Not really an observation but a statement...being drunk is not an excuse! That goes for women as well. I have been falling down drunk in gay locals and it NEVER crossed my mind..EVER. You are a man and sleep with a man you’re gay! Or at the least been thinking about it for a long time and needed an excuse. Alcohol does not impair your judgment and make you do anything you didn’t want to do in the first place. In saying that though, gay men do know how to make cocktails. They don’t skimp on the alcohol ever. But it’s still an excuse you sleep with someone gay and you are “straight” and say you were drunk.
9.) So my last observations...these are observations for females. If you notice these things about your man, most likely he is gay. Don’t hate on him, just let him know he doesn’t need to hide it in these open times and let him be so you can find a straight man. Signs he is gay.... He comes home from hanging with his boys and has hickeys on the BACK of his neck. You are doing laundry and realize he has booboo stains on the back AND front of his underwear..Oh, he goes to get prostate exams more than once a year. Being concerned about your health is one thing, having a person stick their finger up your ass more than once a year is a sign!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Does it make you a bad person if you don’t feel anything when you find out your father has died? Am I inhuman? Does it make me callous that the person who helped give me life is dead and I feel nothing for him? Is there something missing inside of me that fuses compassion and memories into a single entity that I don’t share with the rest of mankind? My father, Carl D. White, Sr died yesterday, October 18th , 2006 and when I heard the news my world did not change one bit. My father died, a pitcher for the New York Yankees died in a single engine plane crash, 9 more US soldiers were killed in Iraq and a family in Iowa was slain by the brother…All stories of death and dying, however, only one of these people called me son, called me CJ and I feel nothing…
1.) As a man, I have observed how women are constantly surprised at the resistance, fear and angst that many men have with settling down. I’m constantly being reminded how childish men are because we want to be players or bachelors for as long as we can in life. WRONG! Does that have something to do with some men’s reluctance to settle down? Of course! However, women, have you ever stopped to contemplate the rational behind that “fear”? I think you would be surprised…Why is it I have heard so many women saying that they prefer to have guy friends because we are less complicated?? We say what we mean and don’t expect you to read our minds, we are more accepting of new people into our groups and don’t feel threatened if someone more attractive attempts to join us and we don’t care what you are wearing when you are out with us. Seriously, think about it for a second. Most women don’t trust other women around their boyfriends or husbands cause you know how triflin’ bitches can be! Yet, when you are all out with your friends, you talk about how untrustworthy men have become. Hhmm…doesn’t make much sense to me. You think men SHOULDN’T have some reservations about marrying a woman and spending the rest of his life with the same people women say are too complicated and emotional to be friends with? Explain that one to me please! All the women with more male friends than female friends raise your hands please. Come on, don’t be shy, raise them up. Now look around…You see what I see? No one! Cause you are alone reading these observations, put your hand down before someone comes in the room and thinks your crazy! But I made my point though ;-)
2.) Ok, so men are dogs. Fine, I accept that statement. Although, if I accept that statement, then why can’t women accept the statement “If men are dogs, then women are cats and the only difference between the two is that cats cover their shit up.” Please stop puttin’ down men so much. Yes, a lack of good men exists in the world, I agree with you 100% women. To expand on that, I believe there is a lack of good PEOPLE in the world now. Women are cheating just as much as men now, being just as shallow, just as selfish and just as unrealistic. Just as many good men are being takin advantage of by women these days as women by men. AND, if you didn’t finish high school, have 5 kids from 4 different men, only read tabloid magazines and been going to nail school for 7 years and haven’t graduated you are not allowed to talk about the “lack of good men.” No, no, no not allowed! Also, can some woman define the term “real” man for me please? I have been hearing that a lot as well. Cause real means honest yes? Not fake maybe? Not hiding anything?? Riiiiiiight?? You wear heels yes? So that means you REALly ain’t that tall huh? You wearing makeup so your skin isn’t REALly that smooth. Oh, oh and I’m thinking your breasts REALly aren’t that big cause you have a wonder bra on. Real is a relative term, EVERYONE needs to be aware of that these days, not only men, but EVERYONE.
3.) Women are always talking about wanting a nice, stable, secure man who is generous and funny and appreciates you. Yeah right! I mean, women do want that, I know you do; it’s just how you go about saying it sometimes. You see, I am a firm believer that women are more evolved, more intelligent than men are. You are on this higher plain of existence that men need another 10,000 years to reach. Therefore, if that statement holds true, women you need to go about dealing with men with that principle firmly at the forefront of your interactions with men. Here is a theory I have. Please women comment and tell me if I am full of shit or not. Little Susie, Tameka, Sung Ye or whatever her name is, is being told by her grandmother from the time she can crawl that she needs to find a nice little boy to settle down with, marry and start a family. Little Brian, Jamal and Phu Tron are hearing the same things as well. Women reach puberty faster than boys, so when girls are 12 and 13 they don’t want to date boys their own age, they want someone older who is on their level maturity wise. Are they pining over the boy who is President of the Chess Club? Are they getting breathless when they see the Captain of the Debate Team?? Hell Muthafuggin’ no!!! It’s the boy who is absent half the days of the school year, smoking behind the gym and been arrested 3 or 4 times before he even turns 16. Ladies, the 13 year old boys HEAR you speaking about finding nice guys, but they SEE the bad boys getting ALL the play. It only takes seeing the bad ass make out with so many fine females before boys get the point, girls are saying one thing…but if you want any coochie you have to be a dick! So for the next ten years boys act like jerks…and get laid!! Often!!! When a woman finally decides she is serious about settling down and getting married, what do you say?? “I want a nice, stable, secure man who is generous and funny and who will appreciate me.” You know what men think? “Yeah right! She said that about 15 years ago and then had sex with the guy who kept calling her fat and cheated on her with her cousin. I’m not buying this, it’s just more of what she said before.” Again, if men are like dogs as women keep saying, then you have to realize a dog only needs to get hit so many times by a stick before he learns the lesson. Men have been conditioned to think you are all full of shyte when you truly do want a nice guy to settle down with. Does it excuse a man’s behaviour who lies, cheats and is disrespectful? No. Just think about that though next time you go home with that guy from the club who is driving his baby mama’s car, won’t tell you what he does for a living but always has money and won’t answer his cell phone with you around.
4.) I have observed that men can be INCREDIBLY shallow. I love how a woman will meet a man and even there isn’t a strong physical attraction at first, give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to try and impress her with his charm, intelligence and sense of humor. Men don’t do that and I truly appreciate that about women. However, I have observed that women are shallow in your own way… For example, a man walks into Burger King and sees a beautiful woman making French fries behind the counter; he’s ordering 8 Super Size French fries just to see her how her booty shakes as she puts salt on the fries. Then after, he’s trying to ask for her number to take her out tomorrow to McDonalds. Men don’t care really. We see an attractive woman and we are going for it. Now take the SAME Burger King, group of women walk in and the man making the milk shakes is handsome. No scratch that, I’m saying he is GORGEOUS, like David Beckham and Tyson Beckford rolled into one gorgeous. You all will smile at him, may even flirt with him, but I don’t see too many of you asking for his number. “Girl he was FWINE! Oh my God he was too sexy! But his ass workin at Burger King!! I can’t get down with that.” You know I’m right ladies. How many times have you written a man off cause you saw him working at a job you thought was beneath you? I kinda understand what you mean. If you own your own clothing line, you need someone more on your level than the guy selling oranges on the corner. But, find out about the man first though! Maybe he’s working at the gas station because he’s only in town for a few weeks visiting family and got bored sitting at his momma’s house all day watching T.V. He could be a world traveler on his way to