First things first, I don’t have any children of my own. I have one adorable niece who I don’t get to see nearly enough and that’s pretty much it. Why am I qualified to write these observations? Because for the past 12 years I’ve worked at residential summer camps and/or taught English to children. I think that gives me a world of experience and information to tell you about these little rug rats! Also, parents, hear me out. Let’s take a normal week for you if you have kids.. You wake up early, get the kids ready then take them to school where they proceed to spend the next 7 hours with someone else. When you get back home, they are doing homework, going to some type of practice for something and then it’s bedtime. For 5 days during the week a stranger has more interaction with your kids then you do .On the weekend, your kids are playing PS2, going to athletic games and spending the night over at friends. Throw in the parents that send their kids to residential summer camps where a stranger is responsible for your child 24/7 sometimes up to 8 weeks and you can see how some parents don’t really spend that much time with their kids. Well I’m that stranger and this is what I have observed about your kids.
1.) How is it, that we think small kids are so fragile and we are always worried about their safety? The toughest people I have ever been around are not Rugby players, it’s not American football players or security guards at night clubs. The toughest people I have seen are 4 year olds. Oh, it’s the truth. I have seen a kid run full steam into a wall, bounce off, hit his head on the ground, so a double impact, get up, look around, saw there wasn’t an adult to get sympathy from then keep on going. They put their bodies through things that aren’t normal! Forget the mafia, you don’t like someone, round up like 4 or 5 six year olds from your neighborhood, tell them you will buy them all an ice cream cone (A positive, lil kids come cheap) and tell them to “Get him/her”. That’s all you have to say, “Get him/her.” They’ll take care of the rest. They will chase that poor person down like a pack of Hyenas after a wounded Zebra. They don’t get tired!! I’m vindictive. Yeah that’s right, I admit it. Worked at a summer camp and someone messed around stole one of my favorite shirts out of the laundry room. THEN the dumbass had the nerve to wear my shirt around the camp!! I played it cool….Rounded up some little campers and said “GET HIM!” Got his ass they did. They just kept chasing him! This guy was an All-American Cross Country runner from Oregon. He put distance between himself and them, but they never stopped coming. He would stop to eat lunch…they wouldn’t. He would stop to use the toilet…they WOULDN’T! They chased his ass the entire summer. He kept on making the mistake thinking that he would stop and confront them..They whooped his ass! He tried to fight them off, but their indestructible! Maybe it’s all the flexibility they have or something. I almost felt bad for the man.
2.) That leads me into my second observation…Humans are animals. Why would I say that? Cause look at kids. People always talk about how innocent kids are, how sweet and pure they are and that they have to be taught hate and to be racists. Maybe…but kids have NO sympathy. NONE! When they caught said person from the first observation they showed no mercy on his ass. They were grabbin’ testicals, bitin’ Achilles heels, throwin’ rocks, they didn’t care. I remember once way back in the day playin around with my lil brother. We were playin Cops and Robbers. I pretended my brother shot me and I had died. Ok, I don’t know what Police detective shows he had been watchin, but in the ones I remember seeing, they don’t kick the bad guy in the nuts when he’s already dead! I asked him why, he said, cause I was dead. Cause I was dead??? Explain that please someone. Dead means leave them alone to me, but to a kid it means kick him in the nuts? Then again, maybe that’s a good way to tell if the person is fakin or not. Do not play dead around little kids. I repeat, DO NOT PLAY DEAD AROUND LITTLE KIDS! I’ve had Tonka Trucks shoved up my nostrils, one kid tried to see how far down he could pull my lip…One real cute little girl opened up my eye and spit in it! Lil Heffa! Think about it, they tell you to play dead around Bears for Pete’s sake! Bears are wild animals that respect the dead, little kids don’t! You better off locking yourself in a closet and waiting it out until their nap time to escape.
3.) Has anyone ever tried feeding vegetables to a 3 year old? They act like you are trying to feed them shit on a stick. HOWEVER, take your child to the park, and on his own, if he finds shit on a stick, more than likely he will put it in his mouth. THAT one I don’t get about kids. They will put God knows what in their mouths but won’t eat proper food at the dinner table. I’ve seen kids put in their mouths, a live moth, a pen used to move around a dead bird, fingers after scratching the crack of their ass, boogers, someone else’s boogers, glue, scotch tape off the back of a picture hanging up for 3 years, water from the toilet, etc, etc. You get my point. They say Crocodiles have the worst non-venomous bite because of how dirty their mouths are Hhhmm…..I wonder where lil kids rank on that list. Yet, when was the last time any of you kissed a crocodile in the mouth compared to a lil kid?
4.) There are very few things left in this world that are impossible. Man has gone to the moon, we have cured a host of diseases, travel faster than the speed of sound and the list goes on and on. The one thing that in my opinion is impossible, I mean IMPOSSIBLE is keeping kids clean. I mean don’t even try it’s so impossible. Seems like I always get stuck with the kids on art day. And of course art day always includes paint on my watch. I know it’s a conspiracy! Bunch of white men standing around thinking of ways to get back at black men for datin’ their women!!! “Now what can we do to get back at those damn negros???” “I know!! Give him about ten 7 yr olds and bottles of paint to paint pictures and tell him he can’t let them make a mess!” “Oh that’s just Evil Vern…But I like it!” I have covered a classroom in huge sheets of paper thinking WHEN, not if, but WHEN paint was spilled it would get on the paper and not the walls, desks, etc. Nope, didn’t help a bit. I don’t know how it happened but paint ended up everywhere. Parents know this also. How many times have you gotten your kid ready to go somewhere nice, sat them in front of the TV so you could change, come back and your child hasn’t moved but is dirty? Children have an intimate relationship with dirt. It’s like a virus and a host; one needs the other to survive. I just haven’t figured out yet if the kids or the dirt are the virus. You know what? Forget prison. Seriously, just forget all about that money we are wasting on prisons. Start a program where a prisoner is responsible for about ten 5 yr olds, put them in a perfectly white room with bottles of paint. Tell the prisoners if he can have them finish an art project and the room is clean after an hour, he can go free, an exercise in futility. It would never happen, but you’d make the prisoners go mad trying not to let it happen. More effective than solitary confinement I promise you that.
5.) Most companies have to test their products under the most extreme conditions to have an idea of its durability and service life. The Army sends equipment to the desert or the Artic circle, bed companies have huge rollers that press their mattresses for days and days on end; you get the idea. Forget all of that. I’m not impressed in the least. You want to test something, go into any classroom in the world, put it in the middle of the room then just close the door. I figure about an hour will be long enough. Yes, that’s it, an hour. One kid, on their own, is a destructive force equal to a Tropical Storm. A CLASSROOM full of kids??? Oh please, it better be the best manufactured item on the planet. Children can figure out new never before conceived ways to destroy, hide and fuck things up. That report you’ve been working on for a week to present the next morning? I bet you in 5 minutes on your computer your son or daughter can hide it so well that if you run a search on it, your search engine will come back, Shrug it’s shoulders and say, “Beats me, I can’t find that Muthafugga.” Or they will change the font to ancient Sand script so no one alive can translate the document. I remember once, my dad bought this synthesizer. It was one of the more upscale ones cause it had like 100 different type sounds it could reproduce, from instruments to nature sounds it had it all. Up comes my little brother..oh yes, the same little brother and he starts playing on it. Do you know in about 11 minutes he had the thing speaking in tongues? I hid in the closet for almost a hour thinking the Exorcist was in the house. I’m just sweatin in a small cramped space about to die from a heat stroke cause outside I hear, “We goin’ eat yo aaaaaaaaaaaass!! Eat, eat, eat yo aaaaaaaaaaaaaass.” He had reprogrammed the damn thing to make mimic demonic voices. I passed out from the heat in the closet. You know who found me? My little brother, saw me laying there so he thought I was dead…..Yep, lil bastard kicked me in the nuts! Give it to kids if you want to find the threshold of a products durability. In addition, to find out what things can be done with it you didn’t even consider. VCR’s?? They are pretty much obsolete now, but did you know that they are also good for putting peanut butter & jelly sandwiches while you go outside to play? MP3 players make great battleships in the bathtub and a computer mouse makes the best sling shot type weapons.
6.) This next observation is more so on the PARENTS of children as apposed to the children themselves. Now, I am at that age where a lot of my friends are starting to settle down and have kids. I’m starting to see this next observation up close and personal. Not all parents suffer from this, but most of you do and someone needs to set you straight! If as a parent, you are not cute, athletic or in general don’t have any talent….chances are your kids are going to be ugly, clumsy and boring just like you are. I’m sorry, I’m just going on facts. It’s called genetics and it’s a MF, but we all have to live with them. Whitney Houston is a crackhead, we all know this, but it doesn’t change the fact that she is a very good singer. You know what? So is her mother. Her mother is a very popular Gospel singer; hence the genes being passed down that Whitney can blow. Michael Jordan? His father was an above average athlete so you see the genetics coming into play once again. Reality check people! If you were the last picked for all the kickball games when you were growing up…chances are it’s not because your kid isn’t liked, it’s because he plays like he’s retarded…JUST LIKE YOU DID. Your daughter didn’t make it past the auditions for Kids American Idol? Record yourself singing and if glasses crack and dogs join in?? It’s your fault! You gave her those singing genes. Your kid is trying to beat up his own reflection on the mirror. I seriously doubt he will be winning the Nobel Peace Prize for Chemistry. Ok, ok, sometimes you get mutations that can’t be explained. We all know the ugly parents with the cutest kids, or the bookish parents who have kids that are All-Star athletes….In saying that though, did you know that 1 in 5 kids men don’t belong to you?? It’s a proven fact, so remember that when you are questioning where your son gets his mathematical prowess from when you flunked remedial math..TWICE!. I think that’s why designer babies are taking off now. People are trying to play God cause deep down they know they are fucked up in some way and are afraid to pass on that deficiency to their offspring. They want to end that gene for eyes too close together with them.
7.) My last observation of kids and anyone who has them, or worked with them will have to agree. Children will make you more upset than you have ever been in your life…I mean you’ll start to stutter you are so pissed off, see double from all the blood rushing to your head, look through the phone book for an agency to put them up for adoption and want to just get in your car, drive off and never come back! But, if they come up to you and give you one hug, or tell you they love you, or smile at you…You melt and you realize, they aren’t all so bad…Unless you play dead around them!!!